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Outcome Measurement System (OMS)

State and federal governments are requiring Public Behavioral Health Systems to collect outcome data regarding each participant who receives services. In Maryland, specific information regarding the treatment outcomes for individuals from 6 to 64 years old will be collected from Outpatient Mental Health Centers (OMHCs), Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs), and Hospital-based clinics.

Participant outcomes regarding the management of their illnesses and the quality of their lives are the most important measures of the benefit provided by services in the Public Behavioral Health System. In addition, information about outcomes of mental health services is a key element to supporting the recovery and resiliency of participants (along with access to appropriate services, active participant participation in treatment decisions, and a recovery culture) because knowledge about what treatments are effective is empowering and engenders hope.

COMAR permits the Behavioral Health Administration to establish the process for pre-authorization of services.

OMS Tools