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Provider Contacts

Beacon Health Options Maryland Engagement Center (non-claims related)
P.O. Box 166
Linthicum, MD  21090

Beacon Health Options Maryland (claims mailing address)
P.O. Box 1850
Hicksville, NY 11802-1850

You may contact Beacon Health Options Maryland at the following toll-free numbers and fax numbers:

1-866-835-2755 (TTY)
Clinical Fax: 1-877-502-1044
Customer Service Fax: 1-877-502-1037
National Provider Line: 1-800-397-1630

Ask us a Question at info@BeaconHealthOptions.com

Maryland Association of Behavioral Health Authorities (MABHA) - Core Service Agencies (CSAs)/Local Addiction Authorities (LAAs)

Beacon Health Options Maryland Management Team Contacts