A WRAP can help you in the process of recovery, getting well, and staying well, and becoming who you want to be. It can help you make your life the way you want it to be. It can also be helpful to you in adapting to any challenges you have in your life. A WRAP is a self-directed plan anyone can use as a personal guide to daily living. It focuses on self-help, recovery, and long-term stability. Persons in recovery created WRAP.
A WRAP begins with a wellness toolbox, filled with simple, safe ideas to help you feel good, stay well, and even feel better when the going is hard. Using these wellness tools, a WRAP can also guide you through a process of identifying:
- What you are like at your best;
- What you need to do every day to stay well;
- Things that may upset you (triggers) and what you can do if these things happen;
- Early warning signs that you are not feeling well and things you can do to help yourself feel better;
- Signs that things are getting worse and things you and/or your supporters can do to help you feel better;
- Signs that you may be experiencing a crisis and things your supporters can do in that situation; and
- What to do after a crisis has ended to help you recover your wellness.
All aspects of participation in WRAP are voluntary. WRAP classes are taught by Certified WRAP Facilitators, and are available across Maryland, in our Wellness & Recovery Centers. On Our Own of Maryland is coordinating Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) training.